Wednesday, December 29, 2010

DiGeorge&Sean "career"

We just met with Lori Tally Jennings to talk about Sean's career in T.V. and the Film Industry.  Boy did she have a lot of information for us. I was surprised at how easy it is to get into the T.V. and Film and the ways to contact people that you want to work with. Lori told Sean of the different schools online that he should attend. She did say that online would be better for him because of the difference of people in both of these careers that Sean wants to be involved with and she did say that there are certain caliber of people you just don't want to be mixing with in this industry so you have to be careful what you do. Lori did say that there is a Christian Organization we could be part of and that she was part of it too. The is the part of Film and T.V. I'd like to get Sean in, not the secular part as you all know Film and T.V. industry can be quite scary. I used to think Disney was good not any more. Anyway it was an exciting meeting with Lori and her friend. Can't wait to get together with them again. Stay tuned for more you all.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Happy Birthday Sean! He is the Big 16 today!! I'm so proud of him and the things he has over come and the fact that the doctors said he wouldn't even make it to the Big 16 and Sean showed them what that is all about. That is one thing I couldn't do and that was giving up on Sean. My Faith helped me to believe that Sean would live and over come a lot of obstacles and he has in so many ways. God has been so good to Sean! What an inspiration my Son has been to my husband and I and many others we come in contact with. I'm looking forward to the next 16 years with my Son. What a blessing you are to us Sean. We love you so much and we are proud to be your parents. We hope that we have been the example we should be for you and others. Keep working hard on your Speech and your Home School program and you will do well in this ole life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

DiGeorge & Sean

Sean was seen by Kristen his Speech Therapist over in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday morning.
They did the Nasendescopy and it was so neat to watch the x-ray process of how they determined what was going on with Sean's Soft Cleft Palate. The did a mixture of Barium which was then adminitstered by Kristen with an ear dropper and Sean had to sniff it into his nose. He did very well with this and my husband was shocked that he was so calm. The face the X-Ray machine to the side of his face first and had him do some words and swallow and you could see every thing that was going on in his head and in his throat and mouth.
They found as Sean swallowed  the Soft Cleft Palate was short. We were very excited when we saw this and now know they will be able to correct the problem and are looking forward to seeing what this will do for his Speech. Sean will be 16 next Sunday 12/26/10 and we have waited for this information from the day he was born. We finally have a team of Doctors that will help Sean. Our prayers have been answered and Sean's future is looking brighter and brighter. We've gotten an early Christmas when Make A Wish called and Sean will be meeting Joshua Gates in February. My husband has over come a heart attack he had Jan28,2010. What a year it's been for us but so worth the wait.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

DiGeorge & Sean

Hi Everyone,
                    This is the week we take Sean back to Joe DiMaggio Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the Nasendescopy Test that  the Speech Therapist will perform for him. It's supposed to be an hour long test
which will determine what surgeries they can do for Sean's Soft Cleft Palate. My husband and I are excited for Sean since this has been a long time coming for him. I will keep you all informed as information comes back to us. Please pray for us as we are driving down there and as Sean is having the test done.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

DiGeorge & Sean

DiGeorge& Sean is about my 15 year old Son who has had this Syndrome since Birth. We have written a book titled DiGeorge & Sean. It tells about what he has dealt with and the things he has over come. I'm very proud of Sean and his accomplishments. We are hoping with this book that DiGeorge & Sean will be an educational for those who are not aware of this syndrome. It has been around since 1965 which is the year I was born.
We are hoping that not only family and friends but Doctors and Educators will be interested in this book and get those Children like Sean the help that they need.