Tuesday, January 18, 2011

DiGeorge & Sean

Hi Everyone,
                    Looking forward to the end of this week. Make A Wish should be hearing back from Joshua Gates as to when he will be meeting with Sean in February. Sean is so excited and has been counting down the days since November and hoping that Josh can help him get into the Film Industry. I can see my Son doing it all because he's that creative! It's been quite a ride up to Sean's 16th birthday that he had in December and I have a feeling getting to 18 is going to be just as fun. He's the inspiration in my life and between him and God that is what keeps me going most days. I know a lot of you don't understand what is going on in my life and that is fine all I ask is for support and the love that most of you have always given me. I'm here as an example and don't always get it across and if I've offended some then I'm truly sorry but please understand Tricia is doing every thing she can for Sean and some time want to share with others so if there are questions don't hesitate to ask and I want you all to know you all are in my thoughts and prayers and I do realize you all have lots going on too. We are going forward in peace this week and do your best to take it easy and remember to rely on the Lord.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hi Everyone, what a great week to start off the New Year with. We started back with our Home School Program and this  week we are adding the U.S. Constitution to Sean's studies. Looking forward to teaching him all about that. Sean has an appointment with the Pediatrician this week and he's gona get a talking to when I see him. I don't like the fact that Sean had all that Blood work done in July and I never even heard from Doctor Lee or his Nurse as to the results of that test. I'd like to keep Sean there at least until his 18 but at this rate Momma isn't happy about the services from this office. My Husband goes back to the Family Doctor and the Cardiologist this month and anxious to see what they are going to tell us where his heart is concerned and hoping that he can get off most of the medicine that he is on. Exciting days ahead so stay tuned in the days ahead.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,
                        It's been busy here since Wednesday and that is good for Sean and I. Patrick has been off since Thursday and we are just enjoying him being at home and doing family things together. We took Sean to see Tron today and as usual he loved it. We are still waiting to here from the Team in Fort Lauderdale about Sean's Nasendescopy. Looks like 2011 is going to be an all together good year to start. Praying for Peace, Love,Comfort, Healing and Financial Blessings for all. Safe travels for those who are traveling far from home.Take it easy you all and stay tuned.