Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hi Everyone,
                    We received a phone call from Dr.Larumbae in Fort Lauderdale on Friday. He will be doing all Dental Treatment for Sean starting February 16,2011. This year just keeps getting better and better for Sean.So happy with the Team from Joe DiMaggio in Fort Lauderdale. Looking forward to seeing Sean with a beautiful smile. The Team I'm talking about is the Craniofacial Team at Joe DiMaggio Hospital. If any one needs information just let me know by messaging me via, Twitter, or Face Book. Sean is getting excited waiting on word from Joshua Gates of Destination Truth. He talks about meeting him and talking to him about his Film and T.V Career. Sean is such an inspiration and I'm so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. He's getting through his Multiplication and moving on through his Math that he hates.
Starting on U.S. Constitution and he's done a lot of research on it already so it should be a breeze to get through it. Those of you wanting to order DiGeorge & Sean just contact me with the info above. Excited for you all to learn about Sean's Syndrome. Take it easy and have a great Night.
Love to You All!!                                                                                                                                         

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hi Everyone,
                   February is finally here! I talked to Bobbi Brasher and Kristen DeLuca from Joe DiMaggio Hospital yesterday and got a lot of answers and the help we needed for Sean. What an awesome team they all are. I want to say a big Thank You to Lara Conley, Matthew Conley, and Tammy Bellflower Nottingham for telling of this wonderful group of people.  We are moving forward with the Nasendescopy in a few weeks. Doctor Stelinki
needs to have all information on Sean to make the best decision for surgery. The NasenVideo was awesome that Miss Kristen did for Sean and it was the Vellum that has been giving him the problems he has had since birth.
We will be seeing the Dentist over at Nova and very excited about that as well I hope Matthew is part of that team. The Craniofacial Team at Joe DiMaggio are very compassionate people and are so helpful it is nice to have Doctors on the same page as my husband and I. We are waiting to hear from Make A Wish and Joshua Gates is to contact them this month not that Sean will be meeting him this month. Sean is so excited and can't wait to talk with Josh about his career in the T.V. and Film Industry.  Mom wants to talk to him about Cryptozology and Archeology in and around the world. What a great start to 2011 and we can't wait to see what the year will bring for Sean and our family. Please keep us in prayer along with my family. We've had a lot of health issues where my Brother in Laws are concerned and want the best for them as well. We started to a new Church 1/30/11 and can't wait to get back to New Life Church here in Lehigh Acers, Florida. So stay tuned for more information. Have A Great Week You All.
Love To You All,
Tricia, Patrick and Sean