Sunday, July 24, 2011

DiGeorge & Sean

Hi you all, 
              So glad it's the last and final week of July. It's been one heck of a crazy month and I hope August is a bit easier with all of the Doctors appointments we have going on. Getting ready for Sean's Junior year of High School which is hard for me to believe that he's almost done. We got to get cracking on the math and a few other things and all of my teacher friends if you have suggestions those would be welcome but remember I have done so much for Sean and usually do know what to do for school year just nice to get some suggestions from others once in a while. Usually that's from Pam and love her for always being supportive. I wanted to say I appreciate you all so much and for those who have lent an ear when I've needed to vent. The good news is that Sean has over come so much and we are so proud of all the accomplishments and are looking forward to more.
We are taking him back to Nova and for the Nasendoscopy and some more Dental work this week will fill you all in about that when we get back. The Nasendoscopy will be final for what surgeries needed to be done about the "Vellum," that isn't connected and if the flap behind the nose isn't connected. Looking forward to all of those answers with in the next month. Isn't it amazing what God can do through so many circumstances? Josh it looks like Destination Truth had a blast at Comic Con this weekend. Sean has been talking about that all week and talking about what kind of Conventions and things he will have when he has his own Studio.Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week. Most of all stay positive.
Love to you all,
Sean,Tricia, and Pat

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